*TURN OFF YOUR LIGHTS* (SNAP: *trips over a seat* OW! How does Megane do this?) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Required Warning: Profanity. Gratuitous sex. A fuzzy penguin being screwed by an oaf. The last two are not our fault! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was dark, and Snapdragon was scared. "Kuro no Miko-chan, remind me why we have to do this again?" she hissed. Eyes wide, she turned to the massive screen in front of her. "Big brother is watching..." After a moment, she tapped the Miko on the back. "You know, if he's watching, why do *we* have to?" "Because Big Brother is a giant a--" A loud thunderclap sounded, and the girls jumped. "--alternative punk rocker?" Miko meeped. "--above-average omnipotent being?" Snapdragon squeaked. Thunder rumbled, and then all was quiet. For now. >>untittled by Moonbeme "You know...I don't think I'm going to like this one bit." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Something's Wrong in Kansas: A YYH fanfic MSTing by Snapdragon and Kuronue no Miko ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>hi everyone!! This is my very frist Yu yu fic, so dont' flame me, pleeeez!! SNAPDRAGON: No prob. We're taking our agressions out this way. *pulls out some antacids to help the fic go down* MIKO: *lowers flamethrower* Damn. >>I got way 2 much of that with Pretty Solder Sailor Luvstone which I just >>helped Garnet*Miranda with anyway and I don't need anymore so lay off!!!!!! SNAP: Actually, I don't think she got way too much of anything. Especially not intelligence. MIKO: Snap! No! >>and I nkow I don't own yu yu hakushoo so don't sue me!!!!!! i just want 2 >>write a fic!!!! ok?????? MIKO: A wee bit defensive for her "frist" fic, ne? SNAP: Bet she got stoned for her Luvstone fic. Naaah, scratch that. She just got stoned. *downs a pepcid AC* MIKO: Did wonders for her spelling... SNAP: *aghast* You mean it was WORSE? >>I wrote this fic cuz Kawabura's my absolut fave!!!! Cuz he's got the ray >>Ken SNAP: Ray Ken? Is that some new Barbie doll? >>and makes fun of Heii all the time who 'is the biggest jerk ever!!! SNAP: Actually, "Heii" isn't all that big. MIKO: I wouldn't exactly call Hiei the biggest at *anything...* SNAP: Poor Kurama, then. MIKO: Keep it G-rated for the kiddies! SNAP: Miko-chan...I think any chance of keeping it G-rated was blown when we decided to MST this in the first place....(or probably when we were born...) >>And cuz i thiink its gross when ppl put him and kurama together just cuz >>their freinds, i mean, I don't have sex with my feirnds, SNAP: She has....FRIENDS? *chokes* MIKO: Bad Snap! No personal attacks! (unless they're better hidden...) SNAP: *sheepish* Yes ma'am... >>espeshially no twhen were all girls!!!! SNAP: So, let me get this straight (no pun)....she doesn't have sex with her friends, but she makes SURE she doesn't have sex with them when they're girls.... MIKO: Aa, I remember teenage hormones too... SNAP: *mutters* It's not THAT bad. >>thats just EWWWWWW so thsi is ************NOT YOAOI*********** for all you >>ppls who think yoiai is gross. I know I dont' wanna think >>about two guys doing u-kow-WHAT (ewwww!!!!! they're putting their THINGS up >>thier butts!!!! that's SOOOOOOOOOO GROSS!!!!!!!!) MIKO: You know, when you put it that way, all of the romance is gone... SNAP: *Shrugs* A hole's a hole. MIKO: I may just cancel this Saturday's date... >>so here!! iF u like is pleeeeeeeez emial me cuz I wanna hear from ppls!!!! MIKO: If "emial" has anything to do with enemas, I'm outta here... (Thunder booms ominously) MIKO: Or maybe not... >>if u don't well then go do something else and don't flame me!! If u can't >>say somthing nice, don't ssy it at all!! SNAP: *eyes Miko's flamethrower enviously* I won't say a thing, honest! MIKO: It's nice to see a teenager listening to her mother for a change. >>anyway, i wrote this cuz i thikn these 2 make a way better cupple, hop u like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SNAP: No one likes it like you but YOU, dearie. *shudders* MIKO: Well, um... she's got a lot of enthusiasm? SNAP: So does....*deep voice* OSCAR! >>puu is a girl cuz puu's voice is a girl. SNAP: (imitating "random" fic-author) What was Togashi-sama thinking? Puu's a GIRL! GIRL! GIRL I TELL YOU!! MIKO: And Kurama is merely a flat-chested woman, despite the fact that we've seen him shirtless... SNAP: *smacks Miko* Don't leave me alone, here! >>oh yea, emal me here: moonbeme43@hotmail.com 2 talk 2 me! SNAP: e-maul...e-maul... MIKO: I think I'm gonna have an "e mal" seizure... >>*************************************************************************** >>************************* SNAP: *sings* Let it snow, let it snow.... MIKO: Today's forecast will be snow with-- Nevermind... SNAP: You almost spoiled the suspense. *frowns* >>From the momnt Kawabara layed eyes on Puu he knew he was in luv. Total luv. >>Puu was sooooo cute, and soooo adorabal that Kawabara knew that he woul only >>luv Puu 4 ever and ever. SNAP: Like, totally, it was, like, total luv. MIKO: By "Puu" she means "Girl who sounds like Puu," meaning "Yukina," right? Snap: *hands Miko a blindfold and a cigarette* Just say the word. MIKO: >>Kwabara knew that puu luved him back bcuz of the way Puu would allways look >>at him with her cute round eyes. Kawabara thougt he must get puu alone so >>he can tell him that he luvs her. "O puu, I luv u so much!!!" kAwabura sihed. >>"I can't live witotu youre luv! i must find u!" SNAP: Damn...instead of Puu, why can't this fic get lost? MIKO: Gee, I don't know... SNAP: Heeeey...you aren't insinuating that *I* had anything to do with this, are you? MIKO: "Hey, Miko, these MSTs sure are funny!" "Hey Miko, I bet we could think up better jokes than *this* MSTer!" "Miko, don't you think it would be fun to MST something?" No, I'm not insinuating *anything...* SNAP: *glares* Damn you! Damn you to hell! >>"puu?" said puu. "puu!" kawabaa said happaly. "I was just gonna look 4 u!" SNAP: (William Shatner) Unbeknownst to Kuwabara...Puu was a...penguin. A penguin...with powers. MIKO: Cap'n, I dinna think she can take much more'a this fic! SNAP: (Shaft) Daaaaaaamn right. >>"Puu."asked Pu. "I haev 2 say something 2 u. i luv u!" MIKO: I am suddenly struck by how utterly WRONG this is. SNAP: This guy ain't got nuthin' on Don Juan. >>Puu looked sooooo happy! she blinked up at him and said "puu puu puu!" which >>mint "i luv u2!!!" SNAP: Where'd Kuwabara get a babelfish? MIKO: You know, I thought Bono sounded sexy in "Hold Me Thrill Me" too, but don't you think Puu should be more sensitive towards Kuwa's feelings? SNAP: Honesty is the best policy! >>Kwuabara looked at Puu. "i allways have luved u, ever since I saw u and u >>where so cute. so i had 2 tell u so u could be mine. I luv u 4 ever." SNAP: Is a Kwuabara some sort of...bird? *blinks* MIKO: No, but considering how he's just suddenly forgotten about Yukina completely, he seems rather flighty. SNAP: And considering that puu just confessed "her" love for another man, he seems rather emotionally resilient. >>kuwabaa kissed puu very kindly on Puu'slips and puu said "puu" and plapperd >>eras. SNAP: Plastered eras? *gets out a Moonbeme-to-english dictionary* Eras of being plastered? noo...plapperd: v. Flapped. To beat with something broad and flat. (Damn, I wish) To move as wings in a beating motion. (Damn, I really wish)....so..they're already into S&M? MIKO: Maybe she's trying to suggest that the beating of their hearts as one went back years? SNAP: *blinks* Beating hearts, MIASS. It's obvious that Puu's giving Kuwabara a spanking. >>kuwabara was sooooooooooo happy!!!!! he smiled happaly and said "I luv uand >>want 2 sho u how mchu. Pleez let me luv u." SNAP: (kuwabara) Oh...GOD! UAND! don't...stop... MIKO: I want to take out my magic "uand" and make this disappear... >>"puu" Kuwbra sat down bedse Puu and kised her gaian. she aid "Puu" and he >>pikced her up and toke hre 2 th ebed. so he kissd her and took of all his >>cloths. kuwabaras felt him oken stafff get big with hsi luv 4 Puu. SNAP: I ain't touchin' this one...Miko? MIKO: God knows I'd need a toke, too. SNAP: *groans* All right! TIME OUT! No sex with fuzzy penguins! (thunder flashes and lightning rumbles) SNAP: Fine, fine...*covers her eyes and sinks into the seat* >>Puu smilled and plapered he rears SNAP: See? I told you he was spanking Kuwabara. >> agaisn she said "puu puu puu puu puuuuu!" MIKO: Oh, what stunning dialogue in this fic! SNAP: *gets out the penguin-being-fucked-to-english dictionary* Puu's still in love with Bono. >>and felt hreself becom wet. SNAP: (Kuwabara) Oh, so sorry Puu! I shouldn't have put that bucket of water there! MIKO: Ne, Snap, is "Woman getting wet" Anime Lemon Cliche number 4 or 14? I can never remember. >>Kuwabarapuled out a condam MIKO: "Con-dam." You know, that's probably a better name for the things. Or perhaps even, dare I say it, the "cum-dam." SNAP: Dam. Damn. DAMN! >>and pulls tit bcuz he doesn't want 2 be irraspondable and gut Puu pergnat. MIKO: Yes, tit-fucking, replacing the rhythm method for many as the birth control of the future! SNAP: *looks@ the miko**sweatdrop* >>HE held her veyrgently and slipded his throbin luv-rod n betweeen the lisp >>of Puu's womanlily. pUS gaspde and cired "puuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!" in hapiness >>and luv. SNAP: Can't he just fuck the damned bird in the right tense? Is that *so* much to ask? Miko: I do NOT want to think about Kuwabara putting his "throbbing love-rod" ANYWHERE, thankyouverymuch >.< >>kuwabara creid "I LUV UUUUUUUUU,PUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and flet overwelmed >>and eploded in haapiness and his seamen wenet inside Puu and pUu creid in >>plejure and organismed. SNAP: Oh, it's splitting doctor! LOOK! It's ORGANISMED! AHAHAHA! AHAHAA! It's ALIIIIIVE! *cough...wheeze...choke**sputter**death* MIKO: Arr, matey, that's just the sea-men at work! Down the hatch with ye! >>A blu light apeared and covered puu. puu said "Puuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" SNAP: Funny, all this time I though Puu was going to say something else. MIKO: Yeah, like "GET ME THE HELL OUT OF THIS FIC!!" >>Kwaw gasps SNAP: Who is this Kwaw she keeps referring to? MIKO: You didn't seriously think Kuwabara'd allow himself to did you? SNAP: Remember, crappy fanfics are all powerful... >>as he layed his eyes on teh beautaful prnsess Puu. SNAP: (Puu) PUU! PUUU! PUUUU-ewwwww! Keep your eyes to yoursel-oh! Lookie! I'm a prnsess! MIKO: Well, aren't we Mister Fancy-Pants! >>she was long blue hair down to her ground and big blue eyes and a blue >>dress that made eher look so pretty!!! SNAP: (Kunou, R1/2) Curses, she's fully clothed! MIKO: Right after sex, whaddya know? SNAP: That just means she's feeling vulnerable. >>Puu lookes into Kwabara's eyesand said "I turn itno a prinssess because I was cursde and know that u loved me i'm free" he sad SNAP: (Kuwabara) I never loved you! It was just meaningless sex! MIKO: You know, I'd be sad too if I just boffed a bird and she turned into a princess. My God, she'd go tell people! >>"prinsess Puu, you are so bueataful and i want to mary u!" SNAP: (Kuwabara) But in twenty years when your teeth fall out I'll get a divorce! Now, just sign these prenuptuals... >>"o kuwabara! I would luv 2 mary u!" she said. SNAP: (Puu) But I refuse to sign these prenuptuals! I love Bono! >>and they had a big weddin and everyone in the demin word was their and said >>"thier so cute!" exept for Heii who kuwabara beatup cuz his strong tahn >>Heii. SNAP: (hick) Come on down to Georgia, darlin', meet the whole family afore the weddin'! MIKO: Not like Hiei'd come anyway; it would cut into his "quality time" with Kurama. SNAP: Wait a sec....that was end of the fic? And with those immortal words, the screen turned blank. Snapdragon sighed. "You know...Miko-chan...next time I have one of these ideas..." "...kill me." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, minasan! Welcome to the end of our first MST! We've chosen this little doozy by Miss Kansas herself, Moonbeme, for our target. This fic belongs solely to Moonbeme, and we wouldn't dare dream of claiming this for our own. This was meant as simply a different form of C&C, and we sincerely apologize if we've offended anyone. You can contact the MSTers at: Kuronue no Miko (Miko): kuronue@home.com Snapdragon (Snap): surges@showme.missouri.edu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>From the momnt Kawabara layed eyes on Puu he knew he was in luv. Total luv.