Holy Spells by Level
This version of the Holy spells list is probably most useful during in-game combat/leveling. This way, if you're in combat, you can say, "I'm level 5...", click the handy Level 5 link provided below, and see what spells you have and/or what level of ability your spells have. Also, when you've gained a new level, you can see what your new goodies are more easily this way. It might be useful during creation as well; some people just prefer seeing things this way instead of alphabetically.
If you need a more detailed reminder (or examples) of what the spell does, check out the Holy Spells Alphabetically page.
[ Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 | Level 7 | Level 8 | Level 9 | Level 10 ]
Level 1 (Back to top)
- Cure: minor diseases of others
- Defend: casts a wall in front of caster that absorbs 1 pt. dmg.
- Exorcism: exorcises level 1 ghosts/demons
- Heal: minor wounds of others
- Immunize: minor disease prevention
- Prophecy: see something unimportant or happening in the next half an hour to an hour
- Protect: casts a wall in front of one person (one-person wall) that absorbs 1 pts. dmg.
- Sense Good/Evil: sense good/evil from someone you touch
Level 2 (Back to top)
- Cure: medium diseases of others; minor diseases of self
- Defend: casts wall that absorbs 2 pts. dmg.
- Exorcism: exorcises level 2 ghosts/demons
- Heal: medium wounds of others; minor wounds of self
- Immunize: medium disease prevention
- Prophecy: see something of minor importance or happening in the next day or two
- Protect: casts one-person wall that absorbs 2 pts. dmg.
- Sense Good/Evil: someone near you (next to you, across the table)
Level 3 (Back to top)
- Cure: major diseases of others; medium diseases of self
- Defend: casts a bubble around the caster that absorbs 1 pts. dmg., or a wall that absorbs 3 pts.
- Detect Truth/Falsehood
- Exorcism: exorcises level 3 ghosts/demons
- Heal: major wounds of others; medium wounds of self
- Immunize: major disease prevention
- Inspire: inspire 1 person
- Prophecy: see something of medium importance or happening in the next week or two
- Protect: casts one-person bubble that absorbs 1 pts. dmg.
- Purify: purify small inanimate object
- Sense Good/Evil: someone in your vicinity (room)
Level 4 (Back to top)
- Cure: major diseases of self
- Defend: casts bubble that absorbs 2 pts. dmg., or a wall that absorbs 4 pts.
- Exorcism: exorcises level 4 ghosts/demons
- Heal: major wounds of self
- Inspire: inspire 2-3 people
- Prophecy: see something of major importance or happening in the next month
- Protect: casts one-person bubble that absorbs 2 pts. dmg.
- Purify: purify medium inanimate/small animate object
- Sense Good/Evil: anyone in your vicinity (room) or someone in your building
Level 5 (Back to top)
- Defend: wall @ 5, bubble @ 3
- Exorcism: exorcises level 5 ghosts/demons
- Inspire: inspire small group (max. 5)
- Prophecy: see something of major importance or happening in the next 6 months
- Protect: casts large bubble (2-3 ppl) that absorbs 1 pts. dmg.
- Purify: purify large inanimate/medium animate object
- Sense Good/Evil: anyone in your building or someone in your town
Level 6 (Back to top)
- Defend: wall @ 6, bubble @ 4
- Exorcism: exorcises level 6 ghosts/demons
- Inspire: inspire medium group (max. 12)
- Prophecy: see something of major importance or happening in the next year
- Protect: casts large bubble that absorbs 2 pts. dmg.
- Purify: purify large animate object
- Sense Good/Evil: anyone in your town or someone in your large city
- Truth: person will speak only the truth for 10 mins.
Level 7 (Back to top)
- Bless: make small inanimate object holy
- Defend: wall @ 7, bubble @ 5
- Exorcism: exorcises level 7 ghosts/demons
- Inspire: inspire large group (max. 30)
- Prophecy: see something of major importance or happening in the next 5 years
- Protect: casts largest bubble (4-5 ppl) that absorbs 1 pts. dmg.
- Sense Good/Evil: anyone in your large city
- Truth: person will speak only the truth for 30 mins.
Level 8 (Back to top)
- Bless: make medium inanimate/small animate object holy
- Defend: wall @ 8, bubble @ 6
- Exorcism: exorcises level 8 ghosts/demons
- Interfere
- Prophecy: see something of major importance or happening in the next decade
- Protect: casts largest bubble that absorbs 2 pts. dmg.
- Truth: person will speak only the truth for an hour
Level 9 (Back to top)
- Bless: make large inanimate/medium animate object holy
- Defend: wall @ 9, bubble @ 7
- Disrupt
- Exorcism: exorcises level 9 ghosts/demons
- Prophecy: see something of major importance or happening in the next 20 years
- Protect: casts largest bubble that absorbs 3 pts. dmg.
Level 10 (Back to top)
- Bless: make large animate object holy
- Defend: wall @ 10, bubble @ 8
- Divine Intervention
- Exorcism: exorcises level 10 ghosts/demons
- Prevent
- Prophecy: see something of major importance or happening in the next 50 years
- Protect: casts largest bubble that absorbs 4 pts. dmg.
- Resurrect
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